Hillside Springs Hunt Club
Hillside Springs Hunt club offers a picturesque and enjoyable get-away with a wide variety of safe wing shooting opportunities in prime habitat that holds up well throughout the entire season. Hunting areas are spread out over 210 acres with fields of native prairie grasses and strips of mixed grains on rolling hillsides gently sloping toward the scenic banks of the Yahara and Rock Rivers and natural cattail marshes in lowland sections. The secluded nature of the layout of our preserve allows you to get away without having to go far away.
Private hunts with exclusive use of the preserve and clubhouse are available starting with 25 bird half day pheasant hunts. These hunts are perfect for business groups, bachelor parties, family members, or just a bunch of friends getting together for a fun time. We specialize in catering each hunt to meet your specific needs. We offer the one of the best values for quality upland bird hunting that can be found in this area.