South Central Snows Outfitters

Illinois Snow Goose Hunting at its Best

My name is Scott Gower and I am proud to present South Central Snows Outfitters. I am 43 years old and a very passionate outdoorsman.

We are located in South Central Illinois and will be hunting around the largest body of water in the state, Carlyle Lake. For many years we have had the largest wintering flock of snow geese in the central midwest. We have surpassed the million bird mark at the peak of migration with numbers growing every year.

My goal at South Central Snows Outfitters is to provide the most comfortable snow goose hunt possible, with all new decoys and callers plus 30-foot all steel pits that will be a truly awesome experience!

We have several locations on different sides of Carlyle Lake to take advantage of flight patterns. Our experienced guides will determine where the best position will be for your hunt. All the pits are surrounded by at least 4,000 full-body Dakota Decoys and other motion flyers.

Hope to see you soon at South Central Snows Outfitters.